Monday | 03.03.25

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Dir.: Krzysztof Kieslowski | Poland 1988 | 55 minutes | Polish | Hebrew, English subtitles

A university professor lives with his  curious and intelligent 11-year-old son. He buys his son a pair of ice skates. Their high-tech home computer – the God they have taken - comes to the conclusion that the thickness of the ice in a nearby lake allows for skating...

Dir.: Krzysztof Kieslowski | Poland 1988 | 60 minutes | Polish | Hebrew, English subtitles

An elderly and impatient doctor is harassed by his neighbor, whose husband is one of his patients. She is pregnant with her lover's child. If her husband dies, she will be able to raise the baby; but if he makes it, she will have to have an abortion. The doctor's advice is taking the Lord's name in vain.