Wednesday | 12.03.25

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Shlomo's Breath
Dir.: Ruggero Gabbai | 60 minutes

Shlomo's Breath

Italy 2023 | 60 minutes | Italian | Hebrew subtitles

Shlomo Venezia’s story starts in Greece, in Thessaloniki, within one of the biggest and most vital communities in the Mediterranean. It passes through the places which witnessed the black hole of 20th century history – Auschwitz, Birkenau, Ebensee, Mauthausen – and later brings the observer to Italy. The narration allows for an in-depth look at an almost untold dimension of the history of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the life of the Sonderkommando, that group of deportees - of which Shlomo was a member - who had the cruel task of working inside the extermination camps and were thus forced to live in close contact with the corpses and the horror of systematic slaughter. Recounting Shlomo’s life means dealing with complex issues that this documentary conveys with immediacy and strength.