Tuesday | 04.03.25

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Neither Day nor Night
Dir: Phinehas Veuillet | 90 minutes

Neither Day nor Night

Israel 2024 | 90 minutes | Hebrew, French | Hebrew subtitles

A Sephardic Baalei Teshuva family tries to integrate within the insular Ashkenazi Haredi community in Bnei Brak. Their son Raphael, a prodigy, is not accepted into a prestigious yeshiva. His mother, Ahuva, tries to handle the situation peacefully, but his father, Shmuel, a handyman with great faith, struggles to accept the situation. Shmuel fights to change this decree, leading to the family’s ostracization and their children’s expulsion from local institutions. A dramatic event shakes both the family and Haredi society, probing their shared faith. The film explores the struggles of Baalei Teshuva, their faith, their escape from the past, and the personal cost of their journey.