Sunday | 09.03.25

Monthly Screenings
Willem and Frieda - Defying the Nazis
Dir.: John Hay | 76 minutes

Willem and Frieda - Defying the Nazis

UK 2023 | 76 minutes | English | Hebrew subtitles

During the occupation of the Netherlands in WW2, Willem Arondeus, a painter and Frieda Belinfante, a cellist, used their artistic skills to forge identity cards that saved thousands of Jews from the death camps. This was no simple task as the Dutch had the most sophisticated identity card system in the world with a duplicate stored in the Amsterdam Central Records Office to prevent forgery. Willem realized he had to take action and, with a group of fellow artists, he led a daring raid to blow up the Central Records Office and destroy the duplicate cards. In this captivating journey, Stephen Fry leads us to Amsterdam to discover why this incredible story has remained largely hidden until the present day.