Monthly Screenings
Veins of the Amazon
Dir.: Diego E. Sarmiento Pagan, Álvaro Sarmiento, Terje Toomistu | 71 minutes

Veins of the Amazon

Peru 2021 | 71 minutes | Spanish | Hebrew, English subtitles

Ferries run along the Peruvian Amazon. Drifting through its vast expanses, transporting people and goods, dictating the rhythm of the heartbeat and the flow of life. In this timeless space, porters collapse under loads of onions, sugar, oil, motorcycles, building supplies, and whatnot, transported from the global market into the rainforests; women and children get on and off at every stop with goods for sale, as animals emerge from all sides of the ferries. The film follows one such ferry on its journey and invites us to meet the local people waiting on the banks of the river to take and give.