Sunday | 23.02.25

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Pier Paolo Pasolini Centennial

Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-1975), Italian poet and filmmaker, has left an indelible mark on literary and visual culture. Often dubbed Italy’s last civic poet, he experimented with a variety of genres spanning from poetry to theater, from the novel to the big screen. His restless revolutionary spirit impacted the arts as well as his attitude towards political, economic, and social developments in Italy and worldwide after WWII, which he sharply criticized.

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Pasolini’s birth, the Department of Romance Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Jerusalem Cinematheque have partnered to celebrate Pasolini’s incredible legacy.

The program will showcase 11 of Pasolini’s works, from his first Accattone (1961) to his last, and most provocative, Salò or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975). Each film will be introduced by an expert in the field that Pasolini engaged with in his work. Of special note is a screening of the documentary film Sopralluoghi in Palestina (1965), also serving as the Opening Event of Passolini in the Light of the Orient, an international conference taking place at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem from June 20-22, 2022. 

Opening remarks (in Heb.): Dr. Chiara Caradonna


Dir.: Pier Paolo Pasolini
| 120 minutes

The brutal, realistic, and unsentimental story of Accattone, a young pimp from the Roman slums who is killed while escaping arrest. The distant, restrained, and coarse directorial style creates a convincing picture of a corrupt, brutal, and violent world. 

Opening remarks (in Heb.): Benjamin Freidenberg

The Hawks and the Sparrows

Dir.: Pier Paolo Pasolini
| 86 minutes

Pasolini presents a tragicomic fable about two innocents, a father and son, who set out on a picaresque journey accompanied by a talking intellectual bird. 

Opening remarks (in Heb.): Dr. Daniel Behar

Arabian Nights

Dir.: Pier Paolo Pasolini
| 130 minutes

An innocent young man falls in love with a slave who selected him as her master. After his foolish error causes their separation, he travels in search of her. 

Love Meetings

Dir.: Pier Paolo Pasolini
| 90 minutes

Microphone and camera in hand, a man asks Italians to talk about sex. What could have easily been a television report at best, becomes, in Pasolini’s capable hands, another love hymn for human kind in general, and in particular for Italians.

Opening remarks (in Heb.): Dr. Chiara Caradonna


Dir.: Pier Paolo Pasolini
| 98 minutes

 A young man penetrates the home of a rich industrialist and sleeps with every member of the family – the father, the mother, the son, the daughter, and the maid.... 

Opening remarks (in Heb.): Dr. Sharon Roubach

The Gospel According to Saint Matthew

Dir.: Pier Paolo Pasolini
| 140 minutes

Pasolini’s version of the Gospel according to Matthew. The cinematic poet brings us back to antiquity, and tries to examine the social and political message that ancient Christianity brought to the world.

Opening remarks (in Heb.): Prof. Vered Lev Kenaan

Notes Towards an African Orestes

Dir.: Pier Paolo Pasolini
| 73 minutes

Pasolini presents takes and scenes filmed on location in Africa for research for a film about Oresteia, which for Pasolini was reminiscent of the disintegration of Africa from colonialism and the transition to modern democracy. 

Opening remarks (in Heb.): Prof. Vered Lev Kenaan

Oedipus Rex

Dir.: Pier Paolo Pasolini
| 105 minutes

Pasolini's daring and beautiful adaptation of Sophocles' monumental tragedy. An attempt at self-analysis through a personal and dream-like interpretation of the Greek myth.

Opening remarks (in Heb.): Dr. Gur Zak

The Decameron

Dir.: Pier Paolo Pasolini
| 112 minutes

The first in Pasolini's trilogy recounts eight of Boccaccio's erotic stories, set mostly in 14th century Naples. 

Opening remarks (in Heb.): Dr. Chiara Caradonna. Following the screening a panel discussion.

Sopralluoghi in Palestina

Dir.: Pier Paolo Pasolini
| 55 minutes

In 1963, while searching for a location for his The Gospel According to Saint Matthew, Pasolini made his way to the Holy Land. The raw materials were quickly edited into a film that was to be used to explain the project. 

Opening remarks (in Heb.): Prof. Yoav Rinon

Salo or 120 Days of Sodom

Dir.: Pier Paolo Pasolini
| 117 minutes

Pasolini adapts the Marquis de Sade book to the big screen, presenting perhaps one of the most disturbing and repulsive films ever made. It is also one of the most important ones - a sharp criticism of fascism and idealism.