Sunday | 23.02.25

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The Dybbuk (1937-2022)
85 minutes

Written by S. Ansky in the early 20th century, The Dybbuk or Between Two Worlds has become one of the canonical plays of both Hebrew and Yiddish theatre, inspiring adaptations, scholarships, and artworks to this day. In this contemporary adaptation, Leah and Hannan’s tragic love story takes on a different form and a surprising new ending.

In The Dybbuk 1937-2022, the 1937 Polish film Der Dibuk (dir: Michał Waszyński) is subjected to artistic interventions and manipulations: the original score is silenced and replaced by a live music by Yarden Erez, baed on Bedřich Smetana, popular and original music, real-time Yiddish dubbing in Yiddish  by Sala-manca group, and live folies (sound effects) by Adi Kaplan, Shahar Carmel and Ashu Rotman Mauas. Just as Hannan’s ghost inhabits and speaks through Leah’s body, the soundtrack of the film is communicated through the mouths and instruments of the live orchestra and performers.

The film-performance created by Sala-manca, Kaplan, and Carmel is an iconic and layered event that reflects a multifaceted dialogue with death – the one found in the original story, with the dying Yiddish culture, and the dialogue generated by the revisit of the classic film, which grants the familiar story immortality.

This performance is the opening event of the international symposium "The Dybbuk - Undisciplining the Archive" and it is staged thanks to the kind support of The Avraham Harman Research Institute of Contemporary Jewry and the Cherrick Center at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

The show was created with the support of Ostrovsky Family Fund, The Jerusalem Foundation, Mamuta Art and Research Center and the Jerusalem Municipality. 

Following the show, a conversation with the creators

The Dybbuk (1937-2022)

Live sound effects: Adi Kaplan, Shahar Carmel, Ayelen Rotman Mauas

Voiceover/actors: Sala-manca Group (Lea Mauas and Diego Rotman)

Live Music: Yarden Erez

Directed by Sala-Manca Group

Live Music: Yarden Erez

In Yiddish with Hebrew and English subtitles 

Tickets: 65 NIS / Students & Senior citizens: 45 NIS / Cin' Members & Groups over 10: 40 NIS